15 interesting facts about me:
1. My best friend and I live together, and even though lots of people said it wouldn't work out, I love it! I love having her around to talk to when I'm upset or to tell about my day. It's like having a sister away from my sister.
2. I just got a new car. I love it! But I'm really nervous about parking it anywhere near any other cars because people in this town don't know how to respect others' property. The first day I parked on campus I parked in the farthest spot from the bus stop. I also made an effort to clean out my tiny tiny garage so I could squeeze my new car into it last night, because my dad told me it might hail. And it didn't. But if it would have my car would have been safe.
3. I have been in college for six years. And as tired of it as I am I am doubly terrified to leave. In college everything is laid out for you. Now I have to decide what to do from here on my own and it is petrifying.
4. I love trashy reality TV. Jersey Shore is far and away my favorite show on TV, and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it. I'm convinced that most people who talk bad about the show have never seen it because if they had they would be hooked, like me.
5. I have a cat named Sam who I love more than most people. He is my baby, and the first time he ever got sick was in February. When I called the vet to ask them whether I should bring him in I started crying really hard and I felt like the lady wasn't going to be able to understand me. He is my baby. When I was a kid we didn't have pets, so I never understood why people got so attached to them. But now I love him like he is my first-born child, and it makes me want to cry to think about him getting old and leaving me.
6. I have something called POTS. It stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. And it sucks. Basically my heart beats too fast when I stand up. That doesn't sound too bad, but it creates a TON of symptoms that I have all the time, not just when I stand up. I first got sick when I was at Cedar Point last August, and the doctors didn't figure out what I had until January of this year. I am on medicine now, but it still really makes my life hard. It's not fatal, but I could have it for the rest of my life, which is really scary to think about...
7. I used to be an extremely confident person. But a lot has changed in my life in the last year and a half, and my self esteem is incredibly low now. When a guy looks at me on campus or something, I assume it's not because he thinks I'm pretty, but because he is laughing at me on the inside... or it's because I have ink on my face or something. There are lots of reasons for this dramatic change in how I think about myself, but no matter why it happened, I hate it. I wish I knew how to fix it.
8. I think that I think about other people's feelings way more than most other people do. I think most people only care about themselves and don't care who they hurt in the process. I wish it weren't like that, and sometimes I wish I didn't care so much. It sets me up for a lot of disappointment because I tend to have really high hopes for people who don't care about me at all.
9. I really like to be in control. Like, a lot. But I have recently learned that I can't always be in control, and sometimes relinquishing control and letting someone else take over isn't going to mean the end of the world. But the thought process isn't automatic. I have to physically say to myself, "Stop it. Let someone else take over. It's not going to kill you." I am ridiculous.
10. I have never been more scared of burglars than I am right now. We found out that some of our neighbors had been robbed, and now every sound I hear outside scares the hell out of me. I kind of wish I had a gun, but that's a lot of responsibility. What if someone broke in and I killed them? I don't know if I could deal with that. So instead I sleep with a hammer next to my bed, and I have since February. My roommate does too.
11. I have very fair skin. I am basically a ghost. I wish I were tan, but my love of a cancer-free life prevails and I stay pretty fair all year round, even in the summer. I have some questionable moles, and I'm not trying to get melanoma.
12. Related to number 11, it really, really irritates me when people say, "Wow, you are so pale!" Like I've never fucking noticed. Or like you're the first person to ever come up with that startling revelation.
13. I am 22, but I look like I'm about 18. It can get pretty embarrassing.
14. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people talk in a quiet computer lab or in the library. I'm not sure who taught people that this was okay behavior, but it makes me furious. If it wouldn't be an even bigger distraction, I would turn around and yell at them. If I had the courage to do that I mean. Which I don't.
15. I am really into history. If there were more jobs in that field than being a teacher or museum curator, I would have majored in history. But I could never teach, and being a museum curator would bore the hell out of me, so I decided to do science instead. Not like I know what I'm going to do with that either...
Well that was fun. I will try really hard to keep up with this 30 day challenge, but I'm making no promises.
7. You are very pretty. I'm extremely jealous! Seriously.
ReplyDelete10. Did I ever tell you the story about when I was in the shower and someone (not family) came into the house asking if anyone was there. I was terrified. Later turned out to be my landlord. I've been terrified of being robbed ever since.
11. Pale is better. 'Nuff said.
13. I'm 19 and people think I'm 25. Yours is better.
14. Totally! Especially when there are huge signs saying, "Quiet Area-- No Talking."
15. I'm really only good at math and science. I wish I could get into history and such, but history classes do not bode well for me..
You better be sure to post every day!