I have five movies that always stay at the top of my favorites list. Beyond that, it changes fairly often.
My number one favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption.

The first time I saw this movie I was completely stunned at the ending. I didn't see it coming at all, which is what I assume the writers of the movie wanted. This was the first movie I remember watching that I absolutely fell in love with.
Another movie that kept me totally riveted the whole time was The Usual Suspects.

This movie was written so well. I couldn't believe the ending of this one either. I was really surprised. I guess you can tell at this point that I like for movies to be unpredictable...
There are three comedies that I can watch over and over again without getting tired of them. The first one is Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

I think this is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I am in love with Jason Segal and I think Russel Brand is hilarious. I like Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis too. Some of the scenes in this movie are so ridiculous and awkward, and that makes them so funny.
Another comedy that I love, which is probably on many people's favorite movies list, is Wedding Crashers.

There are so many quotable phrases from this movie, and Vince Vaughn's comedic timing is fantastic. Plus Bradley Cooper is super hot, even though he plays a huge jackass in this movie.
My third favorite comedy is a movie that literally makes me laugh so hard I cry every single time I watch it. It's Liar Liar.

I'm not usually a huge fan of Jim Carrey, but this movie never ceases to make me hysterical. I really like the physical comedy in this movie, and the way it makes you feel good at the end is nice too.
All five of my favorite movies are pretty common favorites for people to have, I think. I don't really have time to watch movies anymore, especially if they aren't blockbuster hits that are on Netflix or in Redbox. I wish I could venture out more into other genres and time periods, but I am just too busy right now. I am taking this Russian class though, and one of our major topics is film during the Soviet era. Once I graduate I might look into watching some of the Russian or Soviet films suggested by my professor. Maybe...
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