Thursday, December 29, 2011
A New Life Chapter
HR called me yesterday to give me the good news. I start on January 4. I am so excited. And nervous. More nervous than I should be, considering I'm starting with about ten other people who know nothing about the company and I've been there for three months already.
I don't know if I'm more excited to be making lots of money or to know that the position I'll be in is permanent. Knowing where my next paycheck is coming from is going to feel really great. Also, VUHL has some great benefits, and I'm very excited about that as well. Plus it's a fantastic company to work for, and I can't wait to be a real employee.
The one thing I keep coming back to though is law school... I took all this time to prepare to apply for law school (which I have yet to actually do), and now I'm not sure if I want to. I might apply just to see if I get in, but I'm not sure what I'd do if I did get in. Would I quit VUHL? I don't even want to think that that is an option at this point... Do I forgo law school? I guess that depends on my LSAT score. If my score is super high, then maybe I am really meant to be a lawyer and I will go for it. There are always internship positions available at VUHL that I might be able to do while I'm in school... I don't know. I'm just going to play it by ear for now I guess.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I saw a GI doctor at the end of last month. She ran some blood tests, and scheduled some scopes for the end of January. The blood work came back abnormal, with my T4 being high, indicating a thyroid problem. I am almost excited for this, because it could literally explain every single one of my symptoms. It would be crappy to treat, and it might mean taking medication for the rest of my life, but if I could feel like a normal 23 year old instead of a 75 year old, my life would be so different! But I saw my primary doctor- or rather, her stand-in while she is on maternity leave - and he said it could be a false positive or a lab error, because my TSH was normal. But more on this later...
I took the LSAT at the beginning of the month. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't cry, or barf, which is always a good thing. I'm not sure when I find out the results, but I'm just really glad it's over. I hope I did well, so that it balances out my not-so-stellar GPA...
The week after I took the LSAT I finally got my act together and applied for the company I am a temp for right now. I asked one of my coworkers to write a letter of recommendation to HR, which he was more than happy to do. Two days after I applied I received an email asking me to take some assessments, which some of the other temps who've applied haven't received, so I think that was a good sign. And then a few days after that I received an email asking for my references, which I think is an even better sign - they only ask for references if they're really interested, right?? I hope that is what it means. I asked six people to fill out references for me (they were online), and I really hope HR likes what they had to say... I'm getting nervous though, because the last reference was filled out last Friday and I haven't heard anything yet. One of the processors I work with, the one who wrote the letter of recommendation, says that I shouldn't worry, because it sometimes takes a little while. But I'm terrified. If my position is going to dissolve soon, I'd like to know I have a job, or at least that the process is moving forward, before I am jobless. I especially don't want to have to go back to Bandana's, which is what I'm faced with if I lose this job. At least for the time being. Also, another thing that has me worried is the fact that they took the position I applied for off the internal job postings on the company blog. I'm scared that means they have filled the position (even though one of the positions I applied for actually was filled before they took the posting down, and I received an email saying I didn't get the job...), or that they at least already have in mind who they're going to interview, and because I haven't heard anything I'm scared that isn't me. I wouldn't be so stressed out about this if I had a steady job waiting for me if this doesn't pan out. But I don't. And the more time that passes, the slower things seems to be at work. This could be because the processor who gave me the most tasks to do each day got a new job, so he doesn't need my help anymore, but I don't know. I am just scared...
On an unrelated note, for the past few months my lower back has been really bothering me. I thought it was our bed, considering it had two holes in it where we slept, but we got a new bed a few weeks ago and it wasn't getting better. But then on Tuesday of last week, I was completely back pain free, and I thought I was better. But I woke up on Wednesday feeling like I slept under a rock, and on Thursday it was so bad I took two Vicodin (which did NOT help the dizziness I already feel on a regular basis). The Vicodin did NOTHING for the pain, and I woke up at about 4 Friday morning in excruciating pain. By 5:30 I was bawling, and I made David take me to the ER. They gave me some muscle relaxant shots in my "hips" (translation = butt cheeks) and said that I just had muscular damage and I needed to take care of it. Fine. I went to work that day, and by the end of the day the medicine they gave me had made me feel so much better. On Saturday was our work Christmas party, and even after a night in heels my back was fine. I woke up Sunday morning, and I was still fine, but I bent over to pick up a pair of shoes and screwed my back all up again. It hurt just as bad as it had Friday morning. I ended up being cooped up in bed all day, missing my cousin's birthday party, David's family Christmas, a night out with friends, and a doctor appointment Monday morning in St. Louis because I was in so much pain. Around 4 Sunday afternoon I took a percocet that they had given me in the hospital, and it did nothing but sedate me. And when I say sedate me, I mean I physically couldn't keep my eyes open. But it did NOTHING for the pain either. So Monday morning, since I was already off work until noon, I made an appointment with my primary doctor stand-in to follow up on the thyroid blood work (told you I'd come back to that...) and to talk about my back. As far as the back thing goes, he gave me a non-narcotic pain reliever and told me to go to physical therapy (which I may or may not actually end up doing). Then when I showed him the results of the blood test he wasn't concerned at all (even though the GI doctor was when she called me to tell me about it). He wants me to go back in two months to get my blood tested again to see if it was a fluke or if something is actually wrong... I can't decide if I actually want to do that or if I want to try to find an endocrinologist here in town to see before then. I could be wrong, and I could waste more of my own time by seeing yet another specialist that can't help me, so I will probably just stick with this plan. But I still wish he would have taken me a little more seriously. I can't wait until my doctor gets back from maternity leave. I just want to tell her about all the stuff that has changed since I saw her last in September. And I know she will listen to me...
The pain medicine they gave me on Monday actually worked really, really well. Surprisingly well considering the narcotics did nothing for the pain. But then I woke up Tuesday morning extremely sick to my stomach, and I'm afraid that is from the medicine... If the pain gets bad enough again though, I will definitely deal with the nausea to get rid of the pain. At least that way I will be able to get some sleep.
Ok I'm done now.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
I have no idea.
I was driving home from St. Louis Thursday night, and suddenly I got double vision worse than I've ever had before. It was terrifying. It was worst when I looked at the lines on the side of the road... okay, tell me nothing is wrong... come on. That's not okay. Now I'm scared to drive at night at all, because I don't want to wreck and die when I don't know which set of taillights I'm looking at actually belong to the car in front of me and which are a figment of my imagination.
My job situation isn't exactly going according to plan either. I figured out a couple weeks ago that my position is typically seasonal. As in, when the busy season is over, they don't need assistants anymore. I started panicking, thinking about how I needed to polish my resume and apply for a position within the company, but then something horrible happened to a fellow temp: they told her, after weeks of training, that she had the job as a processor, but then HR called her and told her the had decided not to bring her on. But since her previous position as an assistant had been filled, she was jobless. I'm terrified now that the same will happen to me, and I can't bear to think about it. I don't know what to do now... I don't know whether I should stay where I am and hope the busy season is longer than they expect (which appears to be the case, as of right now) or apply for a job and constantly stress about whether the training I'm going through is going to lead anywhere... I don't know who to trust there, aside from a handful of the processors I work with, but they can't really help me much past putting in a good word for me. Also, I'm not 100% sure I even want to be a processor for the company - one of the guys I work with was there until at least 1:30 the other night. And staying until 10 or later seems to be the norm for many of them. I don't think I am cut out for that, considering all the health issues I am dealing with... which, of course, begs the question: am I cut out to be a lawyer? The hours aren't going to be much better there. I like the idea of a 40-hour-per-week job that I can leave at 5pm every day and not worry about for the rest of the day. But I'm afraid jobs like that won't have any opportunities for advancement. David always says that when people start out their careers they work way more than 40 hours a week. I wish my health would allow me to do that...
This whole situation is so stressful. I like my job just the way it is right now. I don't want things to change, and I don't want to have to make a decision about what to do next. And don't even get me started on whether or not I should go to law school. One of the guys at work is always telling me I need to do something more with myself than be an assistant. He thinks I have potential or whatever, I get it... but he doesn't know anything about me past the fact that I'm a hard worker and a fast learner - is that enough? Am I cut out to be a lawyer? Am I cut out for all the hard work that goes into it? I have no idea.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Medical Updates
The first doctor I saw after being in the hospital was my neuro. She took my off the gabapentin and told me to start taking Valium in a few weeks, after all the gabapentin is out of my system (so I know what is making me feel better or worse). She said that if the Valium helps it's most likely a vestibular problem. I am kind of scared I'm going to be a zombie if I take it, but if it helps I guess I don't really care.
The next doctor I saw was a colleague of my primary doctor here in Columbia. My own doctor is out until January on maternity leave, so I saw this guy to follow up on the heart monitor I wore after going to the hospital. He said the monitor looked fine, and he agreed that the Valium is a logical next step. He did try to tell me all about the power of positive thinking and such, and that kind of bothered me because it made me feel like he had some doubts about how bad I actually feel. But relatively speaking, he was all right, and I didn't hate him...
Today I saw a new cardio, the doctor Allyssa and her grandma both see. The first thing they did was an Echo, which is one of the few things I've never had done. They also did an ekg, which I've had several of. Then the doctor came in, and the first thing he did was tell me that my Echo was abnormal. Basically one of the valves in my heart "buckles" (as he put it) during some heart beats. He said that being extremely hydrated will be helpful in preventing this from happening, so I told him about how, even when I've been drinking fluids, my body acts like it's dehydrated. Then he thought something might be wrong with my GI tract or my kidneys, and things aren't getting absorbed like they should be. This is what I have been saying for a few months now, so it feels good that he's on track with that. He referred me to a kidney specialist and a GI specialist for further testing.
I'm kind of scared about this heart thing though... He made it sound like this could potentially cause problems or even early death later in my life, and that terrifies me. I don't exactly want to have open heart surgery to fix it, if that's even possible, but I don't want it to get worse and cause me to need a transplant, or even kill me. It's really scary to think about...
When I found out that I need to see all these specialists, I got really scared about my job... I have already missed a morning, two afternoons, and part of another day because of my health, and I'm worried that since I'm only a temp they will get sick of all this and just fire me. But I talked to my boss today after I got back to the office, and she reassured me that that isn't the case. It made me feel a lot better about the whole thing. It also reminds me that they like me and value my work, which makes me feel important.
After I left the doctor's office and started back to Columbia, I called my mom to tell her about the appointment. She was not supportive at all. She told me that she thinks the doctors just keep passing me along because they know I have good insurance and will be able to pay for it. She just kept asking why I can't see specialists here in town rather than St. Louis because she thinks I'm going to lose my job. Even when I told her something actually IS wrong with my heart she didn't sound upset or worried. It still sounds like she thinks I'm faking all this or something. Or like I'm overreacting or being over-dramatic. It's just so frustrating to not have the support of the people who are supposed to love me unconditionally. I don't know what I would do without David, because he is the only one who fully supports me and is always there for me...
It's nice to finally have some definitive evidence that I'm not crazy, but it's really scary at the same time. I hope this is something that can be fixed, if not reversed... Also, I'm confused about what the news I received today will do about the whole Valium/vestibular situation... Should I go ahead and start the Valium? I probably should have asked my cardio today, but I was really overwhelmed and couldn't really think of a whole lot of questions. Maybe I should call my neuro and ask her, but my past experience has told me that calling a doctor really isn't going to get me anywhere... Of course, these doctors might be different, and I might have a completely different experience when trying to get a hold of them outside of appointments, but you can't blame me for being cautious... I just wish I had one doctor who could take care of everything rather than several doctors all giving me different advice. I guess I really do have "too many chefs in the kitchen", as that neuroophthalmologist so eloquently put it... But narrowing it down to just two (and a primary) is better, right? I just want someone to fix me.
On a different topic, I started studying for the LSAT last week. It is going to be really hard. Also, I haven't told anyone this yet, but I'm starting to have second thoughts about going to law school altogether. I don't know if that's because I'm scared to do poorly on the LSAT, or if it's because I'm scared I will be so sick I won't be able to do it, or if it's really not what I want to do, but this is an expensive mistake to make. And a huge waste of time if I decide not to pursue it. I wish someone could just tell me what I'd be best at... I just thought of another reason I might be having doubts about law school, and the more I think about it the more I think this might be the real reason: I really really like my job. But to start law school I'm going to have to quit that job, because I won't be able to go to school full time and work there full time as well, especially considering the law program is a full time day program. I am really starting to think this job could become permanent, and I'm scared that I'm going to have to quit something I really like right after I begin. It's a lot to think about, and thinking about it causes me a lot of stress. This whole situation is just so bittersweet; I want a permanent job there, but I don't want to have to quit it. However, I do want to continue my education, considering I don't want to do anything in the field I have my degree in. Making these kinds of life decisions is so nerve-wracking!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Just Another Day in Paradise
All of this is made even more frustrating by the fact that this all happened while I was at work. Not only did I have to leave work early, so my hours for the week won't be what I was depending on for rent money, but I embarrassed myself in front of my boss and now I'm scared she is going to think I'm sickly or something... which I am, but she didn't need to know that. I feel like she is going to be constantly worrying now whether I'm going to be able to work or not, and I hate that. I feel like, unless I'm keeled over on the floor of the office, I'm never going to leave work again due to my illness because I don't want to let my boss and coworkers down. As it is, I have to leave early on Friday to drive to St. Louis for a doctor appointment...
Speaking of doctors, my cardio (the one that never called me back when I tried to make an appointment a few weeks ago) mailed a letter to my parents' house saying she left her practice at the hospital she was at and is now at a new one. I guess that's why the receptionist at her old office was so cryptic about why she couldn't make an appointment for me, but it was still weird. Either way, I don't want to see her anymore, because to me it's not okay to just completely disregard your (possibly critical) patients like that. I would like to find a doctor here in town so I don't always have to drive to St. Louis when I feel crappy.
Well anyway, the Rangers just tied up Game 5 of the World Series, so I need to start paying attention to that... GO CARDS!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
big life decisions
However, I am a little scared... The position I am in is only temporary. I am not worried about them not offering me a permanent position... I'm actually worried that they will. The position above mine is loan processor. The pay increase to become a loan processor is nearly double what I'm making now, which would be fantastic. But the people I work for now put in SO MANY HOURS each week, and I'm scared I won't be able to hack it. Also, because I want to go to law school next August I'm scared they're going to offer me a permanent position and I will have to quit a few months into it. I'm afraid I will be taking the position away from someone who has the drive and desire to be in the position long-term. But I'm also scared that if I don't take the permanent position they offer me, they will take my temporary position away from me and I will be left with nothing.
It's all really stressful to think about, but it's all compounded by the fact I'm freaking out about law school now too. David keeps telling me how the job market for lawyers is awful. Bob told me that you're not ALLOWED to work during your first year of college (which I take with a whole shaker of salt), and if that's true I better take the permanent processor position just to save up some money. A girl I work with at vamc did one year of law school and she said that sometimes you put in 15 hour days and that it's pretty hard (which I expected), and that makes me scared that I won't be able to work even if I'm "allowed" to because my grades will suffer. Another HUGE thing I can't stop thinking about is how I'm going to be stuck in Columbia for the next three and a half years. I am only applying at MU Law School because David is planning on staying here for graduate school and I'm not trying to do the long distance thing again. By the time I'm done I will be 27, and everyone else in my life aside from David will have long since moved on from this town. I feel like my life is passing me by; I feel like the rest of the world is moving on and I'm stuck in some kind of time warp or something.
I just hate making these huge life decisions. I'm not getting any younger, and I don't want to detour any more than I already have. I don't believe any decision is permanent, but I'm not trying to waste any more of my time. I just want to make the right decisions.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
My new job
The atmosphere at my new job is very interesting. People can wear whatever they want there... I saw a girl wearing bunny slippers today, and I saw two people at one time who weren't wearing shoes. Sweatpants are the norm. However, the way people talk to one another is a lot more formal than the attire would suggest. I'm scared to death I'm going to say something unprofessional to my boss or to one of the other people I work with and get in trouble, or get branded as someone who doesn't know how to be professional. It's a really strange feeling.
I have been feeling super dizzy lately, and it's sad really, because I'm kind of just used to it. I still hate it, of course, but it doesn't alarm me really anymore. I go back to my new neuro on the 28th of this month, and I'm hoping she changes my medicine, or has some kind of other suggestions on what might be wrong with me. I hate that I feel like I've gone back to the not-knowing stage. I'm just not really sure where I stand on a diagnosis at this point.
I went to a bar last Sunday for the Cardinals game with some friends from work, and I decided to take one HALF shot of Rumpleminze just to see what would happen. It was a terrible idea, and I ended up spending the next twenty minutes in the bathroom crouched over the toilet. Jessie had to come pick me up, and it was only 5:45 in the afternoon. I was really embarrassed, especially because I didn't really know most of the people we were with. Once I got outside the bar, though, I felt a lot better, and by the time we got home, which is only about ten minutes away from the bar, I felt fine. I'm pretty sure most of my nausea was anxiety -- since I haven't drank in ten months, the little bit of alcohol I did have gave me that warm feeling drinking gives people, and I think that scared me and I started to have a panic attack. My heart was racing while I was in the bathroom and my chest was super tight. Those are, of course, symptoms of POTS, as is nausea, so I never really know what is going on with me, but I'm pretty sure this time it was anxiety. It is still really embarrassing, and no one I work with besides Michelle will ever know that was the real reason I got sick. Either way, it definitely scared me away from drinking again any time in the near (or distant) future...
I really really need to start studying for the LSAT. I am supposed to be taking it December 3rd. I'm scared to death. I'm mostly scared because I'm afraid my anxiety or my POTS will be out of control and I'll (once again) embarrass myself. I think I'm putting off studying for it because I don't want to think about it. Also because I'm incredibly lazy and unmotivated. But that's neither here nor there, I guess.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I went to the law school yesterday to get some info. about the dual degree with the HDFS school, and I am really excited to get things rolling with that as well. After listening to what they had to say, I think I've decided to forgo getting the MS in HDFS and just get the JD. It's one year less of school, and I won't have to take the GRE... only the LSAT. Which I still need to sign up for, but that costs money, so it'll have to wait... I have until Oct. 31, so hopefully I can make enough money to pay for it by then.
My job situation might be getting better, but my health isn't... My cardio's office never called me to make an appointment with her. It's Wednesday night now, and I called them Monday afternoon. To me, that's just not okay. What if I were having a heart attack? I guess I'm just supposed to wait it out... This really frustrates me, obviously, but it also makes me upset because I don't know where to go from here. I see my new neuro again on the 28th, so hopefully she can come up with more answers. Or at least send me to someone who might be able to help me more than she can.
Anyway, the Cards game is getting interesting, so I'm done for now...
Monday, October 3, 2011
It's just not fair.
I gave my shift away on Sunday just in case I still felt bad, and I'm really glad I did, because I felt terrible yesterday too. My heart rate was all over the place again, for no apparent reason. It was completely independent of whether I was standing, laying, or sitting. It wasn't as bad as it was on Saturday, but it was still enough to want to go to the ER. But I've been down that road before -- they do an EKG, and by that point, my HR has completely stabilized (good ol' Murphy's Law... I hate Murphy.). They give my an IV just in case I'm dehydrated and send me on my way telling me I need to call my cardio first thing in the morning. So I decided just to stay home and hope that it went away. Which it didn't. But unless I'm having a heart attack no one believes anything is wrong anyway, so why waste the money. I guess when I stroke out over dinner people will finally start to take me seriously...
Today wasn't much better. My HR was all over the place again, independent of my position, and I've had a couple of episodes where it felt like it wasn't beating at all, or like it skipped a beat. When I got home from work I called my cardio to see if I could get in this week (more like tomorrow...) and the receptionist was really weird. She said she couldn't make appointments for Dr. Q anymore, that her assistant had to do it. So I had to leave a message on her assistant's voicemail, and of course she didn't call me back. So I guess I'm not going to get an appointment any time soon. I guess I'll just wait it out. Hopefully it either gets better, which means I won't need to see anyone anyway, or it gets worse, which means I can go to the ER without them laughing in my face.
Another new thing has started lately too. If I have my head tilted even a little bit I get so dizzy I feel like I'm going to fall over. Almost like vertigo. I don't know if this is related to POTS or what. I'm actually not even sure if I have POTS. I have been told so many different things by so many people I don't know what to think, and that is extremely frustrating. Do I have POTS? Do I have migraines? Is this all an inner ear issue? Are there inner ear issues involved? Someone figure me out!! I would really like to have an MRI done with contrast and an ECHO of my heart done. If both of those things came back normal (as Murphy dictates they would) I would feel a lot better having ruled out more options.
I have been having a really hard time lately. I have been more upset about the cards I've been dealt, mainly because I feel like I'm going backward, diagnosis-wise. I feel like hell, and everyone keeps telling me how I'm just being a hypochondriac, or how I need to just not think about it and it will go away. I feel even worse now than before, and I'm just so tired of it... Did my health really peak at 22 years old? Am I just aging, like that neuroophthalmologist said? This can't be right. It's just not fair.
Well my heart feels like it's going to explode, so I'm going to end here for now. I will post updates about my health, as always.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
another new doctor
On another note, I still don't have a new job. I've started bcc-ing my mom into every email I send because she called me lazy the other day because I don't have a new job yet. I'm hoping that me blowing up her inbox with all the resumes I'm sending will prove to her that I'm trying. Probably not though... I'm getting really worried, because I have to buy my dress for Lindsey's wedding by the end of October and I was hoping to have some other bills paid off by the time that comes around. But if I don't find another job, I don't think I'm going to be able to afford any of my bills, let alone a $200 dress. As it is, I have people at work giving me money because they feel bad for me... I just don't know what to do...
I am supposed to be going out with a few people from work tonight, and I'm really nervous. I don't go out very often anymore because being in large crowds makes me feel terrible, plus I can't drink anyway. I have never been to the bar they're going to, so I don't know what to expect which makes my anxiety about ten times worse. I am going to take some Xanax before I leave, but today's been a pretty bad day as far as my POTS goes, so I don't know how long I'll be able to stay out. Plus I'm kind of scared Jessie's going to get mad when she finds out that I went out tonight, because she asks me to go out all the time and I always say no. Maybe I shouldn't go at all... I don't know! I wish I could just make split-second, spontaneous decisions like everyone else my age without having to worry about how sick I feel. I hate this.
I don't break down and cry very often about the cards I've been dealt, but two nights ago I did. I just wonder sometimes what I did to get the short end of the health stick. I was fine one day and then the next day I woke up and bam! - I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Why? Why me? Is this karma? I know I've done some awful things in my life, but come on! I don't exactly feel like I deserve this. And what makes the situation so much worse is now I have one doctor telling me my symptoms aren't all POTS, and another telling me the first doctor is wrong about it being migraines, so I feel like I'm back where I started - no one knows what the hell is wrong with me. I am so tired of being dizzy 24/7 that I could just cry. It makes me hate my life.
Anyway, enough of that. I have to go take drugs now so I can act like a normal 23 year old. My life is awesome...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
a huge waste of a day
So after she told me that, I was already upset, and then when all my tests came back normal she basically told me that the visual problems I'm having are probably just part of the natural aging process (I'm 23...). She also made me sound like I was crazy because she couldn't understand the way I was describing my visual disturbances so she basically made it sound like she didn't believe they were there, or that they were something other than what they actually are. After they dilated my eyes, she made me look at all these pictures of "visual snow" to see if that is what I see (which isn't what I see at all), but since my eyes were dilated it was so blurry I couldn't even tell what I was looking at. She basically told me she thinks that nothing is wrong with my eyes and that the doctor I saw yesterday is also wrong with a diagnosis of migraines. So if it's not POTS related, and it's not migraines, but nothing's wrong with my eyes, then what is it??? Just aging? I'm twenty-freakin'-three. I understand that floaters come with age. I will even admit that the one floater I have could be caused by aging. But the other stuff -- the dark spots or "after-images" as she kept calling them are NOT because of aging.
Another thing -- I told her that I have both double vision and extreme light sensitivity and she disregarded them both altogether. She didn't say anything about either of them. I think that is what makes me the most upset. Just because my tests came back normal doesn't mean that nothing is wrong. It just means it's not in my eyes. I purposely sought out a NEURO-ophthalmologist thinking that she would check into my optic nerve or other neuro-type things associated with vision, but literally every test I had done today I've had done before. This whole thing is just so frustrating... I don't really know where to go now. I really hope the neuro I saw yesterday can help me because if not I feel like I have really exhausted all my resources...
Monday, September 12, 2011
This week is finally here!
I am going to see a neuro-ophthalmologist tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited about that too. The neuro I saw today said that they are going to run a ton of tests on me tomorrow and that a lot of patients she sends there return very impressed with the amount of stuff they do. The appointment is supposed to last three to four hours, and I'm excited to see what they can figure out. I hope I like this doctor... I've had some not-so-great doctors in the past year so I hope I can finally find some that I like. I hope after I see her tomorrow I will have some more answers!
The neuro wrote me two scripts today, but I can't afford them at all. I really hope my mom can buy them for me, but I used her debit card twice today without asking, so I'm scared she is going to be mad and tell me no if I ask her to buy my medicine. It shouldn't be that expensive, so she shouldn't have a problem with it, but I hope she doesn't just say no because she's mad... Plus I'm going to need her to pay my co-pay tomorrow too...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
30 Things About My Invisible Illness
I wish my friends and family understood... I think David gets it sometimes, but I don't really think anyone truly understands how miserable it feels to be inside this body. Last night, I woke up at 12:30 and panicked because David wasn't in the bed with me. I went up the stairs to find him and my heart rate went through the roof. I had to sit down on the floor of the office because I thought I was going to faint or throw up. I figured if I was on the floor and thought I was going to vom I could just crawl to the bathroom... But aside from the fact that I was a little sweaty, David couldn't tell anything was wrong with me. That's how it is with basically all my symptoms... No one can see them so they think I'm making them up... or that I'm a hypochondriac (that one REALLY pisses me off...)... or that I'm looking for attention... or any other number of various things people think about me that are WRONG.
*To interject here: I just had to get up to get something to eat before I could finish this blog because if I hadn't I might have fainted. Beta blockers mask the symptoms of low blood sugar, so when I start to feel light-headed or nauseous because I'm hungry it's almost too late. When I first read about this being a possible side effect of this medicine, I didn't think it would happen to me because I have never been formally diagnosed with hypoglycemia (even though I suspected it...) so I figured I was just being over-dramatic and that I didn't have it. But it has gotten to the point where I have had to ask my therapist if she had something I could eat so that I didn't pass out during a 50 minute session... So embarrassing...*
Anyway, I found the list below on another blog written by someone who also has POTS, and I thought it might be helpful to anyone who reads my blog... not that my family or friends actually do, but I guess I can be hopeful, right...?
1. The illness I live with is: POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachychardia Syndrome2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: 2011. January to be exact.
3. But I had symptoms since: August 4, 2010. That is the date all of this started. But the more that I think back about my life, the more I wonder if I haven't been sick for longer and not known it... But 8/4/10 was the day it all hit me at once and I tried to keel over at Cedar Point. =(
4. The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is: HA. I have to pick one? How about not being able to hang out with friends because I feel like I might faint or throw up every five seconds? Or how about when I actually CAN muster up the energy to get ready and go somewhere, the fact that I can't drink alcohol because it dehydrates me so badly and dilates my blood vessels so much that I think I might die. Or how about the fact that I literally can't go outside anymore without sunglasses on, even if it's overcast, because my light sensitivity has gotten so out of control. (To be honest, that isn't too awful, especially considering I look so awesome in my aviators, a la Top Gun.)
5. Most people assume: I'm not really sick. Or that I'm being over-dramatic. Or that I'm just trying to get attention. And I hate it...
6. The hardest part about mornings are: opening my eyes. I know that if I lay in bed too long I will feel worse than if I just get up, but the simple act of opening my eyes is awful. It is the time of day when I feel most dizzy (presumably because I've been laying down all night), and opening my eyes reminds me that I'm most definitely still sick. Every single day I wake up and open my eyes to a spinning room.
7. My favorite medical TV show is: Mystery Diagnosis or House.
8. A gadget I couldn’t live without is: my cell phone. Mainly because I am scared to death to go anywhere alone without it in case I feel too sick and need someone to come rescue me. I even take it into the bathroom with me. (You can say that's disgusting, but it actually came in very handy when I needed David to call me an ambulance in May...)
9. The hardest part about nights are: having to go to bed so early. I am an 85 year old trapped in my 23 year old body.
10. Each day I take: Metoprolol and birth control pills at night, and Florinef and liquid potassium in the morning. But check back in about two weeks, because my medicine is forever changing...
11. Regarding alternative treatments I: would like to learn more about them from a doctor. There are lots that I have heard about between forums and articles and such, but I'm honestly scared to try them. Messing with the heart is no joke, and I don't want to screw anything up. I do try to eat more salt than normal, but I'm not a big salt person, so I probably don't get enough. Also, I am literally like the most hydrated person I know, so obviously increased water intake is something I also do.
12. If I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose: is neither an option? I obviously wouldn't want to be sick at all. They both have downsides, though, so if I had to choose I don't know which I'd pick. Having people always doubt me is crappy, but I don't know if I'd really want a visible deformity and have people staring at me all the time either...
13. Regarding school: I am done with school for now. The first semester of my senior year (I was sick but undiagnosed) I missed a lot of school due to doctor's appointments, and I missed a few classes here and there because I was too sick to go. The second semester (I was diagnosed in January before classes started) I did better, but sometimes I was still too sick to go to class.
14. People would be surprised to know: that I'm even sick. Since no one can see my symptoms, they usually have no idea until they catch me checking my pulse or massaging my chest. I don't really tell anyone unless it comes up -- like when this dude Jason I work with REPEATEDLY asks me if I went out and got drunk the night before because I'm acting sluggish in the morning, and I have to REPEATEDLY remind him that I can't drink and that I'm just sick.
15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been: that POTS could be forever. I try to remind myself that it can go away (which I've actually seen happen to Kaitlin's roommate), and that a lot of times when people get POTS because of a virus (which they think is why I have it) it does go away. It's just hard sometimes to remember that even if it does go away it's usually in 2 to 5 YEARS. But then I remind myself that I have already been sick for a year, and that usually helps...
16. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was: a lot of things. Basically anything that involves being in a crowd of people or out in the heat is something that I always think I can't do, but then I just try it and usually it turns out just fine.
17. The commercials about my illness: have yet to be made. I wish there were something on TV about it at all, but there isn't, so people (even doctors and nurses) generally have no idea what I'm talking about when I say POTS. Couldn't they come up with a name for it that didn't sound so dumb to say? There was an episode of House about it once, and that makes me feel a little better.
18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is: being spontaneous. I miss being able to just be like, "Sure I can go do that thing you're inviting me to do. Give me five minutes to get my stuff and I'll be on my way." Now it's more like, "Oh you have a wedding you want me to be in in June 2012? I'm not sure I'll be feeling up to it, so you better check back with me later. Also, I hope you don't mind if I'm that guy -- you know, the one who faints at your wedding and ruins your wedding video while simultaneously giving you something to send to America's Funniest Home Videos... What's that? You do mind? That's what I thought."
19. It was really hard to have to give up: partying. Even before I got sick, I was sort of leaning toward the whole "drinking is evil" camp, but I'd still like to be able to hang out past 9:30 on occasion.
20. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is: learning about POTS. I am constantly trying to learn new things about it, and I'm always looking for ways to feel better.
21. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would: sleep in. Then I'd get up and skip breakfast because I don't have to take medicine in the morning. Then I'd go take a walk in the sun without worrying about being road pizza after I faint in the street. Then I'd go to Happy Hour and have a couple drinks -- and I'd be able to sit at a high-top table without feeling like all the blood in my body has seeped out into my shoes! Then I'd drive at night without being crippled by the blinding headlights coming at me. I'd stay up late watching TV with David and go to bed without searching around for the other half of the pill I cut up the night before.
22. My illness has taught me: to think about the things other people might be going through that I can't see. It has also taught me that there are a lot of people right here in my own town that are far worse off than me. But it has also taught me to be very annoyed when people complain. Especially when they complain about something they can control -- like a hangover.
23. Want to know a secret? One thing people say that gets under my skin is: "I think it's all in your head." Well thank you mother, I'm glad you feel that way... I wish she could live inside my body for just one hour. Or just go up a flight of stairs in it.
24. But I love it when people: stick up for me. David has stood up to my mom for me on several occasions, and Jessie has done it too, to people at Chili's.
25. My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is: that shit'll buff out. I have to remind myself that (hopefully) in a few years this will all be a distant memory.
26. When someone is diagnosed I’d like to tell them: that it could be something life-threatening that they are dealing with. I have to tell myself this all the time to stay humble.
27. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is: how angry I still am and how much I still don't know about it.
28. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn’t feeling well was: understand. That's all I really want.
29. I’m involved with Invisible Illness Week because: ...well I actually missed it by about a month.
30. The fact that you read this list makes me feel: important.
When I first got diagnosed with POTS I started my research about the illness at Wikipedia. The symptoms I currently deal with are visual disturbances, headaches, nausea, dizziness (even when I'm laying down), brain fog, fatigue, chest pain, digestive issues, difficulty breathing... and more that aren't as bad... A lot of the anxiety-like symptoms are taken care of by the beta-blocker, like the chills and tremors, but I still get anxiety a lot, and that makes the dizziness worse. I take Xanax as needed to help with that, and the people I work with joke around and say I should sell it to make rent. I wish they could only understand that I actually need it to be able to go out in public sometimes... I only wish anyone in my life could really understand. If they were to spend just one hour in my body, or even just go up a couple flights of stairs in my body, I think they would have a much better idea of what my life is like...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
things are always the same...
I have been looking for jobs like crazy, but I'm under-qualified for every position I want and no one is giving me a chance. I have been considering cross-training as a server at Bandana's, and I have also been reconsidering asking the manager at Chili's for my job back, but I'd really like to find a day job. But the problem there is that if I go back to school it will be full time, during the day. So should I really get a day job if I'm going to have to quit it in less than a year? But, is my health good enough to wait tables every day? I'm very torn...
However, I don't really have the luxury of sitting around trying to make a decision. I literally save EVERY single penny I make, and I still can't afford rent each month, let alone all the other bills I have. I have been selling things on craigslist and amazon like crazy, but it's just not cutting it... We got our deposit check back from our old place, and it wasn't NEARLY what we thought it was going to be. Since it wasn't enough to pay my mom back what we owe her though, we decided to just keep it and apply it toward our current bills, which helped me make rent this month. And I went on a job interview yesterday for a position at Joe Machens... but it doesn't really seem to be my type of job. If I get the position, it would be a major pay increase, but I'm scared I won't be able to do what the position requires... or that I will hate it. Plus the hours are terrible. I'm definitely not used to working 40 hours a week...
Now that David is back in school and Jessie is dating Bob again, I am alone a LOT more than I like. Even when David is here, he is doing homework upstairs, so it's not like we're spending a lot of time together. And when Jessie is here she is up in her room, or doing homework also... I think I've done something to make her mad lately, but I'm not really sure what... Ever since she and Bob started dating again things have been super weird between her and me. And it sucks, because I don't really have any other friends here in Columbia. Kaitlin and I haven't talked since the beginning of July -- I'm pretty sure she hates me actually. I can say I'm not sure why, but that isn't exactly true... I texted her and asked her if she could take me to the doctor but she was busy so she couldn't; then she texted me back saying we could hang out the next day but I misread it and thought she was saying she could hang out that day, and since I was feeling so shitty all I said back was, "Don't worry about it," which as a response to what she actually said was pretty rude. Plus, she and Jessie hung out after that at our house, when Jessie and I had had plans that night, and my feelings were really hurt so I was sort of cold to Kaitlin that day too... So I guess it's my fault that she doesn't talk to me anymore...
I wish the people I work with at Bandana's wanted to hang out with me. I actually wish I could move back to St. Louis, but when I really sit down and think about it I wonder if that would make things any better or not... Allyssa and I have been hanging out more lately, but only when I come in town. If I lived there I feel like it would be the same as all my other friends -- she'd be spending all her time with Derek and I would still be lonely.
To be completely honest, if I weren't sick I think my social life would be a lot better. Right now I'm sitting on the couch thinking about how if I don't focus all my effort, I might pass out. How could I possibly think about going out and having fun? Also, 99% of things I would want to do with friends requires money, which is something I'm fresh out of. That's why it makes me so sad that Jessie and aren't hanging out as much anymore. With her, we could just sit there and watch TV for four hours and that would be fine. But now I feel like that isn't good enough anymore, or I'm not good enough anymore, or something... It's just frustrating...
I am seeing two new doctors in a couple weeks. One is the neurologist my family doctor referred me to, and the other is a neuro-ophthalmologist my eye doctor and cardiologist both referred me to. I'm cautiously optimistic about seeing the two of them, because I feel like the more doctors I see, the more chance there will be to find someone who can actually help me. But I'm also nervous... I got some blood drawn last Friday and the doctor's office called me back today and said that my globulin levels were elevated. But when I asked what that meant, the person I was talking to (who I'm assuming was the receptionist) couldn't give me any information about what globulin is. She said it's only slightly elevated, and she made is sound like something I shouldn't really worry about, but since she had no idea what she was talking about I feel like I should take that with a grain of salt... I'm also nervous about the neuro-ophthalmologist specifically. The nurse or receptionist who answered the phone when I called the first time was a horrible bitch. I can't stop thinking about that, and I'm scared the doctor is going to be the same way... I know that makes no sense, but it still scares me. Plus, I have been having all these vision problems for the past year that have gotten worse recently, and I'm scared she is going to find something more serious than just POTS. Either way, no matter how nervous I am, I'm definitely more excited than anything. I feel like it's a good thing that I can still get excited about seeing a new doctor -- I feel like that shows I haven't given up on doctors altogether (even though I really really want to sometimes...).
My self-esteem is awful. Between not having a real job, being sick all the time, and feeling completely alone all the time, I feel terrible about myself. Plus, since I am bored all the time, I eat way more than I should -- which makes me feel even worse about myself. I know I need to start exercising, for more reasons than just to lose weight: exercise is supposed to help POTS patients tremendously. But I'm really scared. For one, I'm scared I'm going to pass right out on the floor of the gym, or on the side of the road, and embarrass the hell out of myself. Or even worse, not be found passed out in the street and get hit by a car or something... Or, I could exercise with someone else, but literally EVERYONE I know has exercised more than me (which isn't hard to accomplish) so they will be significantly better than me at it and I will look like a jackass. My cardiologist said I need to make time to exercise... Time is not the problem. I have plenty of time. It's motivation I'm lacking. Motivation and stamina and will-power and energy...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
On a happier note, I have a clerical exam for the City of Columbia tomorrow. After I take this exam I can apply for a position in the city prosecutor's office, and I am really getting excited about it. My mom and I worked on the application and my resume/cover letter for a while tonight, and I hope it impresses them. I am going to the HR department to take the exam tomorrow, so hopefully I'm charming enough for them to remember me. I do have some reservations though... For starters, I'm scared the HR people are going to write me off right away because I look like I'm 18. I hope they have enough sense to read the Equal Opportunity page of the application and see that I'm actually 23. Also, I'm scared the person who administers the test is going to be a bitch, or super intimidating, or rude. Thirdly, I know I am going to have to take Xanax before I go up there so I don't barf on anyone or anything, but I feel like there is a fine line between being relaxed and being comatose. I'm scared if I don't take enough I will be hella nervous, but if I take too much I will be useless on the exam.
On top of trying to deal with my car and trying to get ready for this exam, we are packing to move this weekend. This weekend is going to be a total mess, because we have to be out of our current place on Sunday morning but can't move into our new place until Monday. So we have to stay in a hotel Sunday night, with Sam. I hope he's quiet and doesn't get us kicked out... Also, since our stuff will be in a moving truck for two days, I have to pack everything that might melt or get ruined in the heat in a huge suitcase and bring it inside the hotel with us. Plus, we don't have any help for Monday, so the only muscle we have is David. I really hope we can come up with some help by then, because I'm completely useless when it comes to carrying heavy things, especially with POTS and especially in 100+ heat indexes. Mom and Jessie aren't a whole lot better, although Jessie is abnormally strong for her build...
Anyway, I am going to get everything ready for tomorrow and go to bed. I don't want to look like a zombie in the morning. Hopefully I will have good news in the job department soon...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
new stuffffff
I have been working a lot lately, because I am very behind on bills. I didn't pay the last part of my rent until the 15th. I am finally starting to get caught up on my bills, but there are a lot of things coming up that I need a lot of money for, and I'm getting scared. I only have like $1.33 in my bank account, and I don't get paid until the 29th. And my paycheck isn't going to be fantastic because I only make minimum wage... So I am going to end up having to borrow money from my parents, and I do NOT want to do that. I have already borrowed $90 from David. I hate being poor.
I have been applying for jobs and sending resumes for the last two weeks, and I have gotten nothing but rejections so far. I am under-qualified for everything, because the only jobs I've ever had were food services or retail. It's frustrating, because I know that if I actually got an interview I would most likely get the job. I just wish people would give me the benefit of the doubt...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I just can't catch a break
This past week has been relatively symptom-free as far as my POTS is concerned, and on Monday, the fourth, I was actually able to hang out with my family all day OUTSIDE (this is a huge accomplishment) with little to no symptoms. Except I was an idiot, and didn't put sunscreen on my legs, so now they are so sunburned I can hardly move. They are incredibly swollen, and I have what appears to be the beginning of a blister on my right thigh. I have gone through almost a whole bottle of aloe and it doesn't really seem to be helping much beyond the actual application cooling my legs off momentarily. Cool baths help a little more, but they're extremely difficult to do, not to mention the fact that I freeze the whole time I'm in there. I have missed two days of work due to this already, when I really needed to be working so that I can pay rent on Friday (which is already three days past due...)... I have no idea how I'm going to pay rent, but I can't even move, let alone think about how I'm going to deal with that.
On top of all that, Jessie has an amoeba in her eye or something, so she has really needed me this week and I couldn't be there for her because I've been in so much pain myself. I feel like a huge letdown.
AND... David keeps telling me how me being sick all the time is bringing him down and making his life miserable and what not, and that is making me feel even more miserable than I already do. I finally told him last night that some days I wish he weren't in my life because I feel like that might make my life easier. It went over better than I thought it would, but now I'm scared he's going to use it to break up with me and make it sound like it's what I wanted. (Which isn't true. I don't want to break up, I just want him to stop telling me how miserable I make him.) It's just super frustrating to deal with all this shit that's already going on with me and not have the support of the one who should be the most supportive. Especially considering my parents think I'm batshit crazy.
Anyway, I'm trying to find jobs online right now, so I'm distracted. More later.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I can't believe I'm so miserable
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
some big girl thoughts
I feel like my parents don't want to spend any time with me.
Last weekend, I was going to go home and hang out with my mom. I told her that I had Sunday off the previous Tuesday, but she said they already had plans to go to the lake, so we couldn't hang out. I was really upset that they wouldn't change their plans to hang out with me, because they are always bitching that I never come home. It made me feel like they don't want to see me or hang out with me. It really hurt my feelings. But this weekend, I'm going to my parents' house and my mom and I are going to hang out on Saturday. So I feel a little better about that.
I am scared that David is going to leave me due to my POTS.
I still feel this way, but I'm trying really hard to be as normal as possible. I hope he can put up with me for as long as it takes to get over this. I'm finally feeling positive about the fact that I might get better, so I hope he can stick around long enough to see that.
I feel like my doctor isn't really listening to me.
I was very concerned about where to go next with my health, but then I talked to this girl Andrea that I met through a POTS forum on facebook, and she recommended her doctor to me. I have an appointment with her scheduled for this Friday, and I'm very excited and hopeful that she can help me. I just hope she listens to everything I have to say. But if she doesn't, I have somewhere else to turn as well. I talked to my primary physician yesterday and she said that if this doesn't work out, she knows of a great neurologist who might be able to help me.
I am totally unmotivated to look for a new job.
This is definitely still the case. I'm kind of worried, because I'm not making any money. But my mom wants to help me work on my resume this weekend, which is one of the things that has been holding me back from looking for a new job. So hopefully that will give me a little push in the right direction.
I feel like shit.
This is also still the case. But I have been learning that the more I move around during the day, and the less I lay around in bed, the better I feel. So I have been focusing on doing that, and it has seemed to help, at least for the last couple days. And now that I've realized I feel worse after I eat, I have been trying to eat smaller meals to keep me from feeling so crappy. It doesn't always work out that way, but at least I've been trying harder.
I am tired of being afraid of having a panic attack every five seconds.
I just have to keep reminding myself that many, many times I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack I don't. Plus it helps to know that I usually don't have panic attacks in public, so that is calming. And I am learning ways to cope with it, so that is also helpful.
I have realized that after I eat, my POTS gets worse... but I really really like to eat.
Like I said, I have just been trying to eat smaller meals, which seems to help. Hopefully it helps my weight too!
I wish I could meet people who are more like me.
I really wish I could meet other people who don't like to drink. I think I live in the wrong town for that. Everyone here wants to party all the time, and I just can't. So I really don't have anyone to hang out with. My friend Brie just moved back to Columbia though, and she isn't a big drinker anyway, so that is good. Plus she has a kid, so she can't really go out all the time either. That should help with my loneliness. I just wish people would realize that partying and drinking aren't the only things that can be fun. Maybe when I move away from a college town, that will change. Maybe I should quit being friends with newly-21-year-olds.
I am scared that I'm never going to be happy or healthy again.
This does scare me, a lot, but I was talking to my friend Kaitlin today whose roommate has POTS and she said that her roommate is starting to get better. Julie (the roommate) has had POTS for about two years, Kaitlin said, but she is starting to get better and hardly gets dizzy at all anymore. That gives me a lot of hope for my own health, except for the fact that she was diagnosed when she was a teenager (which leads to a better prognosis), and I didn't get sick until I was 22. I plan on asking the new doctor I'm seeing Friday what her honest opinion is of my prognosis. I hope it's positive, but more than that I hope she's just honest with me...
On another note, something I didn't mention in the post I started on June 1, I think I may have finally decided where to go next with my education. That sounds great, and I am very excited about it, but I'm still not 100% sure. When I was in high school, I was absolutely convinced I was going to be a lawyer, and then a judge. I started college as a political science major, but then I decided I didn't really like that. So I changed my major to biology, thinking I would work in a crime lab. By the time I graduated, I had absolutely no clue what I was going to do, but I knew I didn't want to work in a lab. I also know that I could NEVER go to medical school, because I just don't have the stomach for it. I love science. I really do. But lately people keep mentioning how good of a lawyer I would be, or how I should try out law school... and it has got me thinking in that direction again. So I looked into MU's law school. It looks like it might be pretty difficult to get into, but I seem to have a knack for taking tests, like the ACT, so I can't imagine the LSAT being much different. This is the first thing that has really interested me since I started thinking about my post-undergrad education. The only thing is that I couldn't get in until next August. Like 2012. So I started looking into grad school at MU to see what my options were, and I came across an HDFS and Law dual degree in Family Law, and that REALLY interests me. I would really like to speak with an adviser or something in the HDFS department, and ask some questions about what Family Law entails. I would like to learn about what I could do with that degree. Plus I would like to know if I could start taking HDFS classes before applying to law school to get a head start on the whole process. But the degree will take four years. If I don't start until August 2012, I won't graduate with my JD and MS until I am 28 years old. That scares me, for a few reasons. (1) I am going to miss science. I may not want to work in a lab, but I still love science, and I am going to miss learning about it when I'm getting a social science-type degree. (2) I wasn't very good at college. I am scared that four more years is going to really drive me nuts. (3) The JD program at MU is full-time day classes, so I still won't be able to get a big kid job, because I will have to be working nights. Which really saddens me. (4) If I don't graduate until I'm 28, I will be kind of old (in my personal opinion) to be starting a family. And I really want to do that. Not now, but I don't want to be doing it when I'm 28. But I also don't want to be going to law school and trying to raise a family at the same time. This is the scariest part of this whole thing. If I had graduated from college when I was 21, like I should have, and then went on to get a JD and MS, I would only be 26 when I graduated, if I took a year off, and that would be a much better time to start a family... But I don't really want to get a JD just to turn around and have to take a year off from work for pregnancy and baby-raising. I'm just so concerned about my future, something I've never really thought about until now... It's just scary. I just want to make the right decisions. I wish I had more time in my 20s...
I think I just need to see a career counselor. I am really leaning toward this Family Law idea, but if I find something I could do in the field of science that I am also interested in I might do that instead. I think I will make that a goal for this next week -- see a career counselor... I will let you know how that goes...
Saturday, May 28, 2011
my thoughts don't make sense sometimes
I can't get myself together. I have no motivation to do anything that I need to do. I have a to-do list. Some things stay on that list for a month before I finally force myself to do them. Not because they're hard. But because they require energy. Or thought. Or me to get up off the couch. I feel so bad about myself because I never get anything accomplished. It's a vicious cycle. The less I do, the worse I feel about myself, so the less motivated I am to get up and do anything.
Jessie is always gone. If she's not at work, she is out partying. I am unbelievably lonely a lot of the time. She and I used to spend many nights a week together, watching our shows or just hanging out and talking. And now she goes out literally every night. And I can't go, because just the thought of being around all those people in a bar or a house party makes my head spin. So I sit here alone, scared to say anything to her because I know it's not going to matter and it's just going to make things awkward between us. Why doesn't she want to hang out at home with me? Probably the same reason David doesn't -- because it's boring. I'm boring. I feel like life is passing me by because all I want to do is sit in my bed. Or on the couch. But mostly my bed.
I had so much more I was going to write. But my incredible anxiety is keeping me from having focused thoughts... So I guess I will have to write more later.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Day 29: 3 wishes
(1) First and foremost, I wish I didn't have POTS. Seriously, for an illness that's not life-threatening or majorly debilitating, it's really freaking irritating. I hate that I never feel GOOD. I have better days than others, but I never feel good. And it sucks.
(2) Second, I wish that I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wish I could decide now how I want to spend the rest of my life. I know I COULD make that decision right now, but I want it to be the right one. I just want to be happy with my choice.
(3) Third, I wish that I could eat anything I wanted with no repercussions. No weight gain, no health issues.
Day 28: Something that stresses me out
(1) Having POTS. Aside from the fact that anxiety-like symptoms are part of the syndrome, the fear that I will pass out or vomit in public due to this illness is sometimes overwhelming. Waiting in line can be difficult, because I'm always scared I will need to leave the situation but can't. Of course, aside from that first time at Cedar Point, I've never had to do that. But it still stresses me out, a lot.
(2) Worrying about hail on my new car. I have never worried so much about the weather before, and this storm season we're having is making it even more worrisome. It hailed on my car last weekend for about fifteen minutes, and I was stuck on the highway and couldn't do anything about it. I was hysterical, and I was SURE my car was ruined. It turned out that, as far as David and I can tell, there was no damage caused by the hail, but it was still scary.
(3) Money issues. I'm sure lots of people (if not most people) are stressed out about money. My stresses come from the fact that I really just want to be independent. I want to be able to pay for everything I need to and be self-sufficient. But making minimum wage and working twenty hours a week isn't cutting it. I just received a lot of money for graduation, but all of that will be going toward bills. I need to find a new job, but I'm very scared. Which leads to...
(4) My job. I hate my job. I hate wasting my time working for minimum wage for a man I despise. I would like to get a 9 to 5 job, maybe doing receptionist work or something, while I try to decide what I would like to do next (as far as deciding between grad school and a job...). But I'm scared... I'm afraid it's going to be hard. Or that my POTS will get worse and I will have to miss work and then I'll get fired. I'm just having trouble pulling the trigger because I don't want to leave my comfort zone when I'm not completely confident in my abilities because of my illness. It's a combination of laziness, comfort, and fear, I think.
It is nice to not have the added stress of school mixed in with all this, even though I do miss it. Hopefully within the next few months I will decide how I want to move forward, and then I can go back to school. Or something...
Day 27: original photo of my city

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 26: my dream wedding
Monday, May 16, 2011
Day 25: Put my iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
2. Goodbye To You - Michelle Branch
3. Shake Ya Ass - Mystikal
4. Fancy - Reba McEntire
5. If You're Gone - Matchbox 20
6. The World's Greatest - R. Kelly
7. You Were Meant For Me - Jewel
8. U Don't Know My Name - Alicia Keys
9. Family Portrait - Pink
10. My Way - Usher
This is a terrrrrible example of what I like to listen to. I really only like the first song. Jeez, I really need to clean up my iPod...
Day 24: something I've learned
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Day 23: favorite movies
Day 22: What's in my purse?
- bottle of Ibuprofen
- bandana (I have to wear it for work)
- checkbook
- 4 ink pens
- mechanical pencil
- wallet
- 3 chapsticks
- face powder
- Extra polar ice gum
- hair brush
- hand lotion
- sunglasses
- concealer
- piece of paper with last week's work schedule on it
- car keys
- non-mechanical pencil (it's glittery and pink, and I never use, but I love it)
- Bandana'a nametag
- mascara
- flashlight
- deodorant
- loyalty card to Tiger Express Carwash
- eye liner
- visor clip-on that says "Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly"
- spare car key
- packet of Ibuprofen
- bottle of naproxen
- a dime
- 5 bobby pins
- prescription I never filled
- receipt for the car battery I bought for my old car
- receipt for David's mom's Christmas gift
- 3 ponytail holders
- 6 tampons
- two gum wrappers
- two Andes mint wrappers
- a lifesaver mint wrapper
- spare keys to David's car
Monday, May 9, 2011
Day 21: Favorite picture of myself ALL TIME. Why?

I love this picture of myself, but I'm not really sure how to answer why. Maybe it's because I look so happy. Or maybe it's because it's a silly picture. I think most of it is that I think my hair looks good in it. And you can't see my double chin. Plus my boobs look big.
I had a hard time choosing between this picture and two other pictures from that night. I must have been overly photogenic that night, because usually not very many good pictures turn out of me during one event...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Day 20: Nicknames
Once I got out of high school, all those nicknames (minus Skara...) have pretty much gone away, although Jenn's husband Corey calls me Whitey. He came up with that one his own though.
The one nickname I've had my whole life is Nick. My middle name is Nicole, and my whole family calls me Nick. I still think a little part of it is because my dad wanted a boy and if I were a boy my name would have been Nick... but that's neither here nor there. My whole family calls me that, and I always respond when I hear the word Nick at my parents'. When I was dating a guy named Nick, things got sort of confusing at my parents' house...
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 19: something I miss
When I first got POTS, it made my life a living nightmare. I didn't know what was wrong with me, and my family and friends thought I was bat-shit crazy because no one could see my symptoms. In January, when I was diagnosed, I thought I finally had the answer -- I thought I was going to start taking this medicine and I would be fine. And eventually, by about March, I was feeling lots better.
But this past few weeks have been rough, culminating with tonight, where I almost passed out at work. I feel like I'm not even on medication. It feels just like it did when I first started having symptoms. I don't know if it's the heat, or stress from finals/birthday/graduation, or what, but it's killing me. And my mom told me tonight that I just need to learn how to control it. Well if I knew how to do that, I obviously would already be doing it. No one in my life understands. My family thinks I'm crazy -- yesterday, for the 30 day challenge I'm doing on facebook, I posted a picture of POTS for something that has impacted my life recently... and my grandma commented that there are people with worse things than that. No one has ANY FUCKING CLUE what it's like to be inside my body, miserable all the time. In pain, dizzy, completely confused all the time. It makes my life a living nightmare, and, contrary to popular belief, I think I'm being pretty DAMN positive about having a chronic, incurable, possibly lifelong disease... But no one agrees.
And then there are the people who tell me they think it's all in my head. I think my mom thinks that. I KNOW she thinks that about the anxiety I've been having for the last ten years. She tells me to just "stop". Like I hadn't thought of that brilliant idea yet. Like I could do that if I wanted to... Other people think that too, and it's really upsetting because it ISN'T all in my head. But to prove that, I'd have to faint in public, or drink alcohol and then have a heart attack or something. NO ONE BELIEVES ME, and it is SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING.
... But I've strayed from the point. I miss my life before POTS. I miss being able to go out until 3 in the morning and not have to worry about getting enough sleep so I'm not sick the next day. I miss being able to have a drink with my friends. I miss being invited out. I miss spontaneity. I miss not taking 8000 pills a day, even though they don't make me feel that much better. I miss being happy...
Friday, May 6, 2011
Day 18: favorite place to eat
Another place I love is Red Lobster. I love seafood, and when I get to eat there it makes me so happy... mmm, Cheddar Bay biscuits...
I also really love El Maguey. Best. Queso. Ever. I never liked Mexican food until about a year and a half ago when Jessie forced me to go there. Then I decided I love it. A lot.
Obviously, I'm really big on chain restaurants. I don't venture much past them. I would like to, but I'm scared of the unknown, so I don't. I'm a baby.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day 16: Dream house
I would really like to have a two story house. We never had that as a kid, and while in college I lived in a duplex with two stories and I like that. Sam likes stairs.
I would also probably want a patio or porch on the second story. So no burglars can come in, but I could sit out there and feel safe. (I mean, I guess if they had a ladder they could get in, but most aren't that crafty... right??)
I would want my house located in the suburbs I think. I lived in a fairly rural area until I moved to Columbia, and once I moved here I realized how much I like living close to the places I want to go. Like work. When I was 16 I had to drive 30 minutes one way to work, and I basically spent all the money I made on gas. So I would like to live in the suburbs, but not in a city.
A garage is a must. And lots of storage space. And a basement for when there are tornadoes. And a big kitchen. And an appropriate amount of bathrooms for the number of people who live there.
I obviously don't care much about these things. I'm not big on flashy or elaborate things, and my dream house will be no different, I'm sure... Or, I'm so poor now that any nice house that's not in a ghetto will do and I can't think beyond that...
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Day 15: Bible verse
That is all.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Day 14: A picture of me last year - how have I changed?

The biggest difference between myself then and myself now is that I could never drink alcohol now like I did the night this picture was taken. Since being diagnosed with POTS I have reduced my alcohol consumption to zero because drinking alcohol makes me feel dramatically worse. Most of the time I'm okay with this, because I was kind of tapering off my drinking before I got sick anyway, but sometimes it's a little sad. I don't get invited out to bars or parties really anymore, because everyone knows I won't have fun being the sober girl watching everyone else get wasted and act like jackasses. When I do go out, I have to drink water, and I have to deal with the million questions that go along with that. Sometimes I just want to lie and say I'm drinking vodka straight, but I don't... POTS has really changed my life, in more ways than just this one, and I can only really come up with negative ways it has done so...
But enough with that. Since this picture was taken, I re-enrolled in college; I will have finished my degree by this time two weeks from now. David and I moved apart, and now I live with Jessie. Even though I'm lonelier than I was when we lived together, as far as sleeping alone most nights, I think it was the right move for our relationship. It, along with not going out partying every night, has made me realize all the good things about him and our relationship without having to deal with the stress of trying to pay bills together and keep a house clean together (which we NEVER EVER did).
When that picture was taken I still worked at Chili's. In fact, that picture was taken at Chili's. But in December, Tracie (my old boss) and I disagreed about my holiday schedule, and, long story short, I don't work there anymore. I work at Bandana's now, and I hate it. It isn't the company. It isn't even the people I work with for the most part. It's mainly two things: (1) first and foremost, it isn't Chili's. I miss working with people I know, people I have known for the last (almost) two years. I miss working with Jessie. And (2) working for minimum wage really really sucks. Especially considering I was serving and making almost triple that an hour before I left Chili's. It's frustrating, and it's not paying the bills, which makes it even worse. But I'm finally starting to bond with some of the people I work with, so it's getting harder to think about quitting there, even though I think about it a lot...
This is going to sound ridiculous, but I miss the hairstyle I had in that picture. About a month and a half ago I made the horrific mistake of getting an $11 haircut, and I'm still paying for it in the stress that it's caused. I told the girl who cut it that I wanted about three inches cut off, and instead she cut off like seven. She also gave me little boy bangs that aren't remotely close to being even, and I'm not sure how I'm ever going get that fixed. I am going to have to wait five years until they have grown the length of the rest of my hair I guess. I miss my long, pretty, non-little-boy-like hair from last year. It's sad.